Note from the National Presidency of Italian Catholic Action
The National Presidency of Italian Catholic Action, on behalf of the entire association, expresses immense joy and profound gratitude to Pope Francis for the announced canonization of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, scheduled for the next Jubilee of Youth, from July 28 to August 3, 2025. A joy and gratitude shared with the other ecclesial entities present, such as Catholic Action, in the canonization committee and equally with the entire Church.
The sanctity of this young man from Catholic Action – a century after his death in Turin on July 4, 1925 – still warms hearts and motivates young people to put the love of God and a generous and passionate service to others at the center of their lives. His rule of life, “let yourself get involved,” is a warning against indifference and isolation, an invitation to experience the openness of heart that he embodied, a precious glimmer of hope to truly come into contact with the people and reality around us.
Especially for the youngest, who daily have to deal with the many insecurities that threaten their ability to dream of the future, in the opacity of disinterest in the common good, in the apathy that every now and then overwhelms existences, the blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati is an example of a person who, by building his life on freedom, was able to demonstrate that high goals can be reached in a short time. Like the peaks of the mountains he loved to climb, sainthood is not an unattainable peak; not a path for a few, but a path that everyone can travel with the means of everyday life, of a normal life but anchored to high ideals.
With Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati in their hearts, the children, young people and adults of Catholic Action are preparing to live fully the Jubilee Year that is about to begin. With the certainty of having a special companion at their side, and with him the numerous host of saints, blessed, venerable and servants of God of AC, women and men of all ages, lay people and priests, witnesses yesterday and today of a Catholic Action school of sanctity.
Rome, 20 November 2024
from the website ofItalian Catholic Action