February 10
Liturgical Memory
Sánchez del Río
Fondazione Azione Cattolica Scuola di Santità
Pio XI
Fondazione Azione Cattolica Scuola di Santità
Pio XI

The Foundation

The aim of the Catholic Action Foundation, School of Holiness Pius XI, is to collaborate and assist in all ways and with all appropriate means, in keeping with canonical norms, with the plaintiffs and the respective postulations of the causes for canonization of the blessed and the causes for the beatification of the venerable, servants of God and lay faithful who were members, priest assistants and bishops and were promoters of Catholic Action (CA), in any country in the world, whether they are in the Roman phase or in the diocesan phase.


  • Collaborate with CA Associations and local Churches to identify and rediscover outstanding past and present witnesses, lay people and priests for a CA school of holiness.
  • Support local Churches in promoting the opening of the process of the cause of beatification and canonization of witnesses, lay people and priests, who were members of CA or any other entity.
  • Promote the deepening of the theme of holiness, in the light of the Magisterium, and prayers of intercession to the Servants of God, Blessed and Saints among the faithful in every part of the world.

2007•Vatican City, November 23: setting up of the Foundation.

2008•Vatican City, March 14: appointment of the first Board of Directors.; •Rome, October 11: presentation of the Foundation.

2009•Rome, 4-5 December: Study Seminar. “Can holiness be “programmed?” (NMI, 31). in the school of our witnesses, ways of holiness for our times.

2010•Caracas, January: Study days on Holiness.

2011•Rome, February-May: Course at the Pontifical Gregorian University on “Lay People’s Vocation and Witnesses”.; •Madrid, March: Study Days on Holiness.

2012 Rome, April 29: collaboration in the organization of the Beatification of Giuseppe Toniolo ..

2012.Rome, October 23: Lay Witnesses. The Universal Vocation to Holiness. New Evangelization. Initiative on the occasion of the Bishops Synod.

2014•Rome, 7 February: First Members' Assembly.

2016•Rome, May-November: Exhibition “The True Way. Witnesses of the Father's Mercy”.during the Holy Year of Mercy.

2017•Vatican City – Synod Atrium, April 27: “The True Way. Witnesses of the Father’s Mercy”, exhibition on the occasion of the II International Congress of the Catholic Action International Forum.

2018•Milan, November 24: participation in the organization of the Conference on the occasion of the Centenary of Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo.

2019•Rome, February 2: Display of the “Witnesses of the Father’s Mercy Exhibition ” during the Lay Apostolate Advisory Board Conference.

2020•Rome, 6.7 February: Second Members’ Assembly ; Rome, XNUMX/XNUMX February International Symposium “The Pedagogy of Holiness. A Universal Challenge for the Lay Faithful” .
Rome, 5/9 February International Symposium “Pedagogy of holiness. A universal challenge for the lay faithful”.

2020 October 30, Online meeting in preparation for the 1st November , “Do not be afraid of holiness … Do not be afraid to aim higher” (GE 32,34).

2021 Budapest, 5-12 September. Participation in the IEC International Eucharistic Congress Workshop on the theme “Saints in the People of God and in the World, Lay People’s Vocation to Holiness” intervention by Card. Baltazar Porras, President of the Pio XI Foundation.

2022 Milan, April 30: collaboration in the organization of the Beatification of Armida Barelli.

2022 October 31, Online prayer meeting on the solemnity of All Saints “WITNESSES OF HOLINESS, ARTISANS OF PEACE”.

2023 Argentina, Our Lady of Luján Sanctuary December 16. The Foundation’s President, Card. Baltazar Porras, participates in the beatification of Card. Eduardo Francisco Pironio